Blog Hop: Book Characters at the Bar.

This blog hop is hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer.

"You meet an interesting person of the opposite sex at a club. Suddenly they start acting as if  they're a character in a novel you've read and they are firmly convinced thy ARE that character. First, which character is it, and second, how do you react."

My Answer:
Okay, I'm going to have to be real honest, I half want this to happen more than anything in the world, and half would lose my mind.
I think my character would be Kenji from the Shatter Me books. I love him so much. If I met a real human with Kenji's personality we'd have to get married. That being said, if I met someone who said they had magical powers like Kenji, we'd have a BIG BIG problem.


  1. I have yet to read the "Shatter Me" books, but it sure sounds like Kenji is a VERY appealing character! I need to "meet" him through these books!

    In real life, anyone who actually BELIEVED they were a book character would DEFINITELY be someone to get away from REAL fast!! Lol.

    Thanks for sharing! Thanks as well for commenting on my own BBH post!! <3 :)

    1. Kenji is my #1 for sure. The Shatter Me books are the best. I hope you get a chance to read them! Thanks for visiting me!

  2. I haven't read that series, but I love books with characters with magical powers, so maybe I should check it out. This is kind of a toss-up question where you wanna be on board, but you're also a little leery because our favorite characters can be a bit odd. Hope you have a great week. - Katie

  3. Great choice. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sorry for the late response. It's been a busy few days!


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