2018 Discussion Challenge- Reading Slump

The 2018 Blog Discussion Challenge is run by Nicole at Feed You Fiction Addiction and Shannon at It's Starts at Midnight.

I have been in one of the worst reading slumps on and off for the last six months or so. I have no idea why, and I honestly hate it. I just started a new job as the Head of a Youth Services department at the end of January, but before that, I worked an hour and a half away from my house for about a year. Driving was a nightmare because it was all traffic both ways. During that time I was able to listen to a lot of podcasts, audio books, and show tunes, but by the time I made it home after a full day of work and three hours in the car, all I wanted to do was eat my feelings and watch Criminal Minds. It became a horrible cycle and I was honestly too tired to hold a book and process words, oh and did I mention it was also my last year of grad school so I was basically useless. But since I've started this new job I'm an 8 minute drive from work, so what's wrong with me!!??

Anyway, I feel like I can't break that pattern. There was a time when I read three books a week and the reviews were pouring out, but now all I can seem to do is sit under my electric blanket and watch hoarders, and hair videos on YouTube. When I do pick up a book to read, I feel like I'm forcing myself to do it. Does anyone else ever feel like that? Has that feeling ever lasted like six months? At this point I don't know if I should force myself to read books I know I'll like to get myself back into it, or hope this feeling runs it's course.

My library is finally beginning to catalog some of my "most anticipated reads of 2018" and I hope I can muster up the energy to actually read them.

Do you feel my pain internet friends???


  1. This is so tragic! I have never really fallen into a book slump, but I feel like I am almost in a burn-out right now, because I have been reading only review books, and am writing 5 -6 reviews a week. I need a break from that. I hope you find your groove with your new job and get your reading mojo back. ((HUGS))

    1. I can understanding want to read for the fun of reading, and not strictly (or mostly)for reviews. It must be exhausting. Thanks for the well wishes!

  2. I have recently been feeling a lot less excited about reading for some reason too. I think it's because I've been writing more, and it just takes a lot of mental energy---I don't have as much left for reading!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yeah. As much as I enjoy reading it does take up a lot of mental and emotional energy, and if you're putting that energy into another task, it doesn't leave a lot for reading. Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Ugh, yes, I definitely feel your pain! About a year ago, I started what had to be the worst book slump of my life- and I don't even know if I am out of it now? Like- it is better than it was, but it still isn't great- still not back to normal. And I have no idea why, either! I have just kind of forced myself to keep reading through it, though I don't know if that is the best approach either. I am sorry you're struggling, I hope your slump ends very soon!

    1. Oh no, not you too!! It's such a weird feeling to not be able to do something that you love in the way you once could. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you're at the tail end of your reading slump, maybe we'll both be back to normal soon.

  4. I've fallen into one for about 3 months but then I read a book I truly loved and the slump kind of popped. I DID force myself to read... I had commitments so kind of had to... and actually that helped some... but I know the slump was over when I read that one book...

  5. Just work on reading *something* in a day - sometimes we don't have chance to do more than that. A page is perfectly fine, or even a magazine article, a blog-post, whatever. As long as *you* count it as reading - it's about building the habit and enjoying it, not over-pressuring yourself! XD


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