Book Blogger Hop: Sidebar Issues

 This blog hop is hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer.

This weeks question is:  
How do you organize your blog in terms of what is in your side bar? Do you have categories and defined sections in your side bar?

This is such a helpful question. Thank you whoever submitted it. So I've been blogging for about four years on an off, but this particular blog is brand new. When I went to blogger to create this blog I learned that the whole layout system had changed and I'm still struggling to figure it out. I don't have anything in my side bar aside from what I'm currently reading on Goodreads, and my top bar(??) has the different ways a person can follow me, but I might change that.

With my old blog (Newbie Librarians), my sidebar didn't really have sections, but I guess I wanted to keep it relatively simple (I learned that at the BEA bloggers conference), so I had the various ways a person could follow me, my list of followers, and a few awards. As soon as I figure out how, I'm going to rearrange the sidebar on this page the same way.

I'm interested in seeing what other people post and to see if anyone else ended up with this weird blog layout that I can hardly understand. :)


  1. I need to give my sidebars more attention. To be honest I just don't like to mess with layout stuff! I love your Goodreads widget! I've been thinking about adding one but it's on a to do list I don't really want to mess with. The blogger changes haven't helped!

    1. lol. I don't like to mess with layout stuff either. It's a quick way to drive you crazy. Thanks for dropping by!

  2. My sidebar has changed so many times over the years. Right now it's pretty random, but I've gone with more and then less and something in between. It's trial and error, really. Like you and Katherine, I don't like to mess with the layout much either.

    I hope you have a great weekend! Thank you for sharing.

  3. I've pretty much got my sidebars the way I want them so I try to leave them alone. But...sometimes I will add something.

    1. I'm all for not messing with perfection. I'm glad you've found something that works for you.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I've pretty much got my sidebars the way I want them so I try to leave them alone. But...sometimes I will add something.

  5. Yes! I agree that simplicity is the key. I hope you're able to get the hang of blogger as it is now! I am still super new at all of it and it took some time figuring everything out when I initially started. Good luck!

    1. Thanks. I still can't get my mind around why this changed so much but it's coming along. I like the writing most anyway!

  6. Insightful post! My sidebar has definitely trended towards minimalism over the years. Once I transitioned from Blogger to Wordpress, customizing my sidebar became a lot more complicated which was a big factor.

    1. I honestly never even though about what it might be like to configure a page on Wordpress as opposed to Blogger. In my mind they're basically the same thing. It's interesting to lean that isn't the case.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Your blog looks good.

    I like side bars with headers for ease of finding things for myself and my blog readers.

    Mine is uncluttered but organized. Well at least that's what I think. LOL!!

    Nice to see your comment. If you need help, I am sure we can help if you like even though I haven't changed my layout for ages. :)

    Have a good weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  8. Yours is very neat. If you wish to customise, go to Layout-->Theme Designer and from there you can change widths and a heap of other settings.

    1. Oh yeah. I forgot all about that. I'll give it a try. Thanks.

  9. I had my blog redesign about a year ago she did everything for me, but I added a few things on my sidebar. Which I want to learn how too tidy everything up. Until I learn how to do that the sidebars has to stay the way it is for now. Have a great weekend and happy blog hopping. Here is my blog hop answer.

  10. I prefer simple and straightforward sidebars as well. Good luck in your quest to figure out the new Blogger layout.

    Terri M., the Director


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