Why oh why?

Years ago I discovered blogging while I was trying to figure out how to be a children's librarian. I read a million book reviews, program evaluations, and comments on other blogs and I thought... I can do that, so I did. I ran a blog for a few years called Newbie Librarians. it was initially going to be about being a librarian, but it eventually turned into nothing but book reviews. As life changed and I involved myself in the library field, I had less and less time for blogging and eventually walked away. Although I continued to creep around and read through other blogs.

With the recent change in world events, I knew I wanted to do what little I could. As a black female I've spent my entire life hunting for books (particular YA) with strong, black female characters and it's been SUPER hard. We've recently seen an influx of this particular type of literature and I like it. I wish there was a wider genre variety (dystopia, sci-fi, fantasy, suburban contemporary... we've really got to mix up these urban settings) but for the moment, I'll take what I can get.

When I decided that I wanted to do my small part, I stepped back to evaluate my abilities. I can talk a lot, and read... that's pretty much it. So I decided to jump back into the blogging world with a blog that featured diverse books. That being said, I may read and review books that aren't diverse because I don't want to limit my reading.

Anyway, this is why I've started a new blog called All the Diversity (P.S. How is it possible no one had taken that name). This is my small way to help further the conversation.
